Current Features

This is merely a summary of the features currently in StoryTeller. See the documentation which is included with the download for detailed instructions.


StoryTeller lets you include one page in another with the [include({pageId})] statement. This allows you do write repeated content once and use it easily in multiple pages without copy-and-paste.

Custom Decoration

If you identify one div as the main display region, StoryTeller will leave all HTML content outside of that region unchanged. This will allow you to decorate your story however you like using HTML and CSS.

You mark the main display region by giving it the class "StoryTeller"


Variables allow your story to remember what has happened so far. They will allow you to make your story more than a simple Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story because the content of pages can be changed depending on what the reader has done so far.

Conditional Statements

You can mark sections of your pages which are only processed if certain conditions are met. For example, a secret door in one room might not be mentioned until the reader has heard about it from another character.


You can include events which occur randomly. This will allow you to make stories which will be different even if your reader makes exactly the same decisions.


If you know JavaScript, you can define your own functions and variable types to use in your story.

New in version 0.2

Lists and Iteration

You can define lists of values and iterate over them, repeating a section of a page once for each value.

Sets and Relations

In StoryTeller, a set is a collection of items which are broadly of the same type. For example, people, rooms or objects. A relation describes some fact about the members of a set or how the members of one set relate to the members of one or more sets. For example, you might define the isIn relation between objects and rooms. Using this relation you can keep track of which room each object is in at any time.

New in version 0.3

List Functions

Lists can now be manipulated with a number of helper functions. See the documentation for details.

Multiple Viewports

More than one page can be displayed at a time. Extra viewports can be defined which independently display their own pages.

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